Legebitra hosting international conference of the Euro HIV EDAT project

With 32 participants from 14 countries, Legebitra is hosting a 3-day international conference of the Euro HIV EDAT project. The expert conference aims to facilitate several debates, workshops, case studies and training sessions on the topic of hiv & STI community based testing, expertise and good practices exchange, case-learning, community involvement & communication in community based testing, funding, sustainability of the community based testing services, counselling, advocacy and monitoring and evaluation practices.

Legebitra gosti mednarodno konferenco projekta Euro HIV EDAT

DIC Legebitra | Slika

Continuation of community-based and testing other activities of the project

Even after the end of project response to hiv within the Norwegian Financial Mechanism of 31. 8. 2016, a program of hiv testing in community from 1. 9. 2016 Slovenia continues. At yesterday’s final press conference Miha Lobnik from DIC Legebitra, which is in charge of the project, presented the results achieved and thanked the Ministry of Health, which provided funds for testing for hiv and other sexually transmitted diseases, despite ending of  project, by the end of year at Legebitra, clubs and regional centers.



Nadaljevanje testiranja v skupnosti in ostalih aktivnosti projekta Odziv na hiv

Tudi po izteku projekta Odziv na hiv v okviru Norveškega finančnega mehanizma dne 31. 8. 2016 se program testiranja na hiv v skupnosti s 1. 9. 2016 v Sloveniji nadaljuje. Na včerajšnji zaključni novinarski konferenci je Miha Lobnik iz DIC Legebitra, ki je nosilec projekta, predstavil dosežene rezultate in se zahvalil Ministrstvu za zdravje, ki je omogočilo sredstva, s katerimi se lahko testiranje na hiv in druge spolno prenosljive bolezni kljub zaključku projekta do konca leta še naprej izvaja v prostorih Legebitre, klubih ter regijskih središčih. Dr. Janez Tomažič iz Klinike za infekcijske bolezni in vročinska stanja UKC Ljubljana pa je predstavil podatek, da je letos do sedaj že 50 novo odkritih oseb, ki živijo s hivom.

DIC Legebitra | Slika | 2.1. Obveščanje javnosti | UKC

Final press conference of the project

At the and of project we presented key milestones, achievements and results of the project and the challenges for the future in the field of prevention, testing and support for people living with hiv.

The full press release is available here.

Materials at the presentation of information campaign

We presented the background of formation, importance of content and opportunities of new materials information campaign.

Presentation of information campaign KAJiščeš.si

Na dogodku za javnost in novinarje so (na sliki od leve) Bojan Cigan, soavtor knjižice Kemseks, Mitja Ćosić, urednik knjižic Testiranje in tveganja za spolni prenos hivaIzvedel si, da imaš hiv. Kako naprej? ter PEP, Lovro Centrih, vodja informacijske kampanje in delovnega sklopa 2 in Miha Lobnik, vodja projekta, predstavljajo dosežke in materiale preventivne informacijske kampanje.

Predstavitev informacijske kampanje KAJiščeš.si

At press conference (from left) Bojan Cigan co-author of booklet Kemseks, Mitja Ćosić, editor of booklets testing and the risk of sexual transmission of hiv, you learned that you have hiv, Whats next? and PEP, Lovro Centrih head of information campaigns and WP 2 and Miha Lobnik, project manager, presenting results and materials of preventive information campaign.

DIC Legebitra | ŠKUC | Video | 2.1. Obveščanje javnosti | 2.2. Preventivna kampanja | DIH