Under the Norway Grants Programme 2009-2014 (Lot A) funding for projects within the following programme areas and sub-areas was provided in Slovenia:
- Subsection Reducing health inequalities between different groups of users
- Subsection Prevention of lifestyle-related illnesses
- Subsection Improving services for mental health illnesses
Gender equality:
- Subsection Mainstreaming Gender Equality in the economic field
- Subsection Mainstreaming Gender Equality in the political field
- Subsection Promoting Work-Life Balance
The project Odziv na hiv (Eng. Response to hiv) was conceptualized, developed, written and applied for the Norway Grants 2009-2014 (Lot A) Public Health Initiatives, in the subsection Prevention of lifestyle-related illnesses. The mentioned subsection further identifies nine priority areas of activities, one being Execution of a comprehensive campaign to promote safe sex and testing for hiv/aids among men who have sex with men. This activity defined an actually existing need in Slovenia for a comprehensive project aimed at hiv prevention among men who have sex with men.
Effects of the project and Result based activities leading to them
The effects of the project, which are also the results of the Norway grants programme 2009-2014 for Slovenia, are three:
1.) Establishing and implementing new comprehensive programs and services to prevent lifestyle-related illnesses, specifically a system of safer-sex promotion and community-based hiv testing (outside health institutions) for different groups of MSM users.
Effect indicators in form of project activities performed and their target value:
- A sex-health prevention campaign for MSM implemented (1)
- A MSM community-based hiv & STIs testing and counselling system established (1)
- A field (outreach) MSM hiv / STIs prevention system established (1)
2.) Capacity-building for professionals working with vulnerable groups in the field of prevention of lifestyle-related illnesses (hiv and other STIs).
Effect indicator in form of project activities performed and its target value:
- Professionals and community workers trained (200)
3.) Establishing and implementing new programmes to relieve psychosocial distress of those already or newly infected with hiv.
Effect indicators in form of project activities performed and their target value:
- Consulting system for people newly diagnosed with hiv (1)
- Peer support group for people living with hiv (1)
- Mixed group (1)
With the implementation of a result based activities model the project will achieve the mentioned effects and the project partnership pursues the realization of the project’s general goal, which is to reduce or prevent the transmission of hiv & other STI and the project’s specific goal, which is to relieve the psychosocial distress of people living with hiv.
Learn more about structure of of the project and its activities HERE.