The project is divided into six thematic work sets. This division is introduced because of the result-based management governance of Odziv na hiv, which provides accountability, efficiency and transparency. Those are the fundamental tenet of exceptional management and coordination of any project.
WS1- Management and Coordination
The work set covers managerial and coordinating activities necessary for the implementation of a large-scale project. The 7-member project board is responsible for co-managing the project, strategic decision making, running the entire project course, forming work groups and working in them, project activities, promotion, PR, evaluation and reporting. The project board consists of the project leader and 1 representative of each applicant partner. The project leader is responsible for managing, administration, organization/coordination of work, control over time framing, means, activities and results, managing volunteers and changes/risks, motivating, conflict solving, partner/sponsors/public communication, promotion, evaluation, reporting.
- Miha Lobnik
Project administrator:
- Mateja Zobarič Trplan
Project committee:
- Miha Lobnik (vodja projekta, DIC Legebitra)
- Simon Maljevac (DIC Legebitra)
- Miran Šolinc (Škuc)
- Petra Thaler (DIH)
- Mario Poljak (IMI MF UL)
- Janez Tomažič (Infekcijska klinika UKC LJ)
- Rolf Martin Anglevedt (Helseutvalget Norway)
WS2 – Information and preventive communication campaign
The work set was segmented into two phases:
- Information and communication for media and general public about the project and the Norway Grants.
- A public awareness campaign with prevention messages for the project’s target groups. The segment will be using intensive communication strategies in order to inform the target groups about the existence of project products and services, while motivating them to use this products and services, consequently leading to active participation that should enable us to trigger changes in behavior within the target groups (by way of example: making safer and more responsible sex choices, enforcing proper use of condoms and lubricants, encouraging regular periodic community-based testing for HIV and sexually transmitted infections (and the demystification of it), higher concern for (sexual) health, more accessible and friendlier health care services for MSM, with special care for people living with hiv …, furthermore raising their awareness and sensibility toward questions related to hiv/aids and sexually transmitted infections. As deemed necessary a visual identity will be created for the project and the campaign.
- Lovro Centrih
- Mitja Blažič
Associate for PR:
- Natalija Pavlin
- Blaž Vukelič
- Miha Istanič
- Lana Gobec
- Kaja Dekleva
WS3 – Community-based hiv and STI testing system
Community-based hiv and STI testing is recognised as a successful approach in other countries and well described in literature. Outcomes of the pilot testing projects have showed encouraging results, but the services were not established systematically. The project establishes such approach to testing for the first time on a system level. It enables us to provide services with due sensitivity, adapts to the habits and behavior of target group (MSM), reaches young or older MSM and those who are concerned about anonymity. The WS includes establishing a permanent testing point in the LGBT community centre Legebitra, implementation of periodic testing points in clubs or places frequented by MSM and occasional testing events in other regions of Slovenia. Providing professionalized community-based testing services in the context of social interactions within the target group enables pre- and post-testing counselling, provided by community experts, and testing for other STIs (syphilis, hepatitis B&C, gonorrhea), which increase the rate of hiv infections. It links individuals with positive test results to public healthcare providers. Cooperation with the Department of infectious diseases and febrile illnesses of UKC Ljubljana and the Institute for microbiology and immunology of the Medical faculty of University of Ljubljana is crucial for effective diagnostics.
- Bojan Cigan
- Mitja Ćosić
Community-based testing team:
- Bojan Cigan
- Mitja Ćosić
- Mitja Lenart
- Peter Štangelj
- Aleš Jelenc
- Mina Paš
- prof. dr. Mario Poljak
- Jana Mlakar
- Lea Hošnjak
- dr. Samo Jeverica
WS4- Devising and setting up a system of hiv / aids / STIs preventive field work (outreach)
Hiv/aids prevention outreach activities are an important and effective form of preventive work. Outreach activities can be conducted at venues where MSM meet (bars, clubs), where MSM seek sexual contacts (saunas, cruising) and public venues where MSM meet up coincidently (centers, groups, medical establishments). In 2013 the EMIS study showed that 16% of MSM met their last sexual partners at saunas or cruisings and 20% visit LGBT-community venues. The work set includes identification of different urban and rural places where MSM meet and identification of effective field activities suitable both in regard to specifics of the target group and place of meeting, both followed by implementation of field prevention activity protocol and its usage in the field work. WS 4 brings importatnt contribution to service accesibility and regional dimention of the project, thus increasing inclusion of different segments of MSM population.
- Petra Thaler
- Ana Zupančič
- Miran Šolinc
- Mitja Ćosić
- Bojan Cigan
- Ana Ziherl
- Iztok Konc
WS5 – Devising and establishing a full system of support and counseling for MSM
Medical and NGO experts have been warning for a long time that the support/counselling system for MSM is insufficient. The work set developes a diversified system, aimed at specific needs of MSM. Using innovative methods, especially developing a holistic support and counselling system that we will strive to keep active after the end of the project. The system includes:
- general preventive counseling on safe and responsible sexual behavior;
- individual psychosocial counseling and support in the first year of positive diagnose – Buddy programme;
- (Collective) peer and professional psychosocial support for people living with hiv;
- Crisis counseling system (PEP-line with a telephone line to assist in dealing with suspected hiv infection and rapid post-exposure protection);
For purposes of peer counseling we will train 10 experts in the community. Continuously we are building a network of professionals in the health system, sensitive to specific needs of MSM.
- Mitja Ćosić
Counseling team:
- Peter Štangelj
- Bojan Cigan
- Mitja Lenart
- Mateja Zobarič Trplan
- Tomaž Vovko
- Brane Mozetič
WS6 – Research and Education
Research and education are fundamental activities to ensure quality and professionalism of the project. They bring substantial progress in the systems of hiv prevention and treatment. As part of research we so far performed, based on carried out research among MSM:
- field research prevention needs of MSM on cruising locations,
- multidisciplinary qualitative study of the sexual behavior of hiv-negative MSM.
Both studies will allow more detailed insight into the sexual habits and lifestyles of MSM, increasing the effectiveness in reaching vulnerable groups and the creation of more effective approaches to prevention and treatment of hiv.
Education of vulnerable groups reduces the level of risk behavior, training of staff working in the field of hiv could increase the effectiveness of prevention and treatment. Therefore, we will perform:
- education for MSM about safe and responsible sex and STIs;
- professional training for community workers;
- training for medical staff and other professionals and
- bilateral study visits with Norway partners.
- Miran Šolinc
- Mitja Blažič
Aleš Lamut
prof. dr. Janez Tomažič
Jana Mlakar
dr. Andrej Kohont